School Transformation with PBL.
Our many years of experience in working with schools to use Project-Based Learning suggests that most schools need more than "just" PBL workshops to experience deep and lasting change in the way students experience learning in school. Schools also need support in undergoing a whole development process which can take a long period of time and can also become a messy process.
We are here to help in every step of the way.
Our process includes a multi-year strategy that is focused around these phases:
Leadership Preparation
Implementation Phase
Capacity Building Phase
Brainstorm and clarify the vision for the school with multiple stake-holder groups.
Define an implementation strategy and organizational conditions needed for PBL.
Develop the school's PBL model and toolbox based on the goals for PBL at the school.
Explore leadership in PBL and change-processes.
Staff engages with a 9-workshop series to understand the foundations of PBL.
Workshops also take teams through planning processes and project development.
"Just in time" workshops for teaching teams based on specific PBL competency needs
Support with planning in team meetings, classroom practice, observation and feedback. .
Selected staff receive focused support in deep PBL knowledge and practices.
They are supported to help colleagues and leadership to grow in PBL mindsets and quality of implementation.
School develops a long-term PBL strategy and identifies areas for growth in practice, culture and organization.
Support practices focus on developing a collaborative professional culture that sustains PBL growth without external support.
The intensity of these phases depend on the ambition of PBL and change at each individual school. We encourage any schools or municipality who is interested in this kind of intensive support to reach out so we can talk more about a plan that is designed for your unique context.